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Early Access App Testing

Joined our early-access mobile app testing group? Here’s some useful information to help guide you through testing our new app.

We truly value honest and constructive feedback. That's why we're assembling an exclusive early access testing group, and we'd be thrilled to give you the chance to join (and stand the chance to win ChargeNet credits along the way).

Our new app aims to enhance your charging experience with seamless app navigation, real-time updates, and improved features, all geared towards making your journey smoother and more convenient than ever before.

But before we release it to the world, we want to ensure it meets our highest standards. That's where you come in. By being part of our early access testing group, you'll get to explore the app firsthand and share your invaluable feedback directly with our development team.

Here's what you'll get as a member of our testing group:
#1 Gain early access to the app before it is released to the wider EV community.
#2 Explore its features and functionalities in real-world scenarios.
#3 Provide feedback and suggestions directly to our development team.
#4 Stand a chance to rewards from our $1,600 credit prize pool.

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