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How to give feedback

During testing, there are a couple of different ways you can share feedback with ChargeNet.

We’ll aim to get back to all feedback within 24-48 hours and during business hours. All replies will come from our email address.

Feedback via Early Access Feedback Form

The Early Access Feedback Form will give you the ability to:

  • Report a bug

  • Share general feedback

  • Make a suggestion

This form can be filled out multiple times.

Feedback via TestFlight (iOS only)

There are two options when providing feedback through Apple’s TestFlight app, you can either

  1. Go directly to the TestFlight app and follow these simple steps from your phone:

    1. Open the TestFlight app on your device.

    2. From the Apps list, tap the app you want to send feedback for.

    3. Tap Send Beta Feedback.

    4. In the share dialog, tap Include Screenshot to choose a screenshot. If you don’t want to send an attachment, tap Don't Include Screenshot.

    5. Add your comments (up to 4,000 characters).

    6. Tap Submit.


  1. Send feedback by taking a screenshot within the new ChargeNet app:

    1. Take a screenshot on your device. For details on how to take screenshots, see Take a screenshot on your iPhone.

    2. A thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-left corner of your device. Tap the thumbnail and, if needed, add drawings and text with Markup. Then tap Done.

    3. Tap Share Beta Feedback.

    4. Optionally, you can add comments (up to 4,000 characters).

    5. Tap Submit.

More details can be found here

Feedback via Email

You can email us with feedback to using the subject line “Early Access App Feedback”.

If you reach out to us with a different email than your ChargeNet account email address, please make sure you let us know.

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