What do the Icons mean?
Our redesigned icons provide key information at a glance, making it easier for you to choose your next charging location while on the go. Here’s what the new icons indicate in more detail
Available At least one plug is currently available at the site.
Charging with SOC No plug is currently available at the site. The percentage indicates the highest SOC of any vehicle charging there right now.
Charging without SOC No plug is currently available at the site. SOC unknown
Maximum charging speed This indicates the maximum charging speed available at the site.
Charger coming soon Indicates a new site is planned or a current site is unavailable for an extended period.
Unknown Connection to the charger is currently lost and its status unknown (e.g., due to bad connectivity). You may be able to charge using your RFID.
Faulted All plugs are faulted, and the site is not available.
Plugs available The bottom label shows how many plugs are currently available out of the total number of plugs (e.g., ‘2/4’ means 2 out of 4 charging points ae available)