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The Warehouse Chargers Transitioning to Paid Use

From Monday, 13 January 2024, the EV charging stations at The Warehouse, which are part of the ChargeNet network will transition from free use to a paid model, with a rate of $0.60 per kWh. 

As the EV market matures, this change will help ensure that the chargers remain available and accessible to shoppers, while also supporting the long-term reliability and maintenance of the network.  


What You Need to Know 

Effective Date: Monday, 13 January  

Charging Rate: $0.60 per kWh 

The change applies to the following sites:  

To continue charging at these stations, please ensure your account is set up with a payment method. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us via:  

We appreciate your understanding as we continue to grow New Zealand’s EV charging network to meet increasing demand. 


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