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Upcoming Changes to EV Charging Stations in Auckland Transport Car Parks

If you regularly use the EV charging stations at Auckland Transport car parks, here’s an important update for you. The chargers at the nine remaining sites in these car parks, which are part of the ChargeNet network, will be removed towards the end of January, with exact dates varying by site and to be confirmed. 


In 2015-2016, EV chargers were installed at Auckland Transport car parks as part of a trial to evaluate different approaches to supporting the uptake of EVs. These locations included:

  • Civic Car Park (Level 1)

  • Downtown Carpark (Level 1B)

  • Fanshawe St Carpark (Level 1A)

  • Jellicoe Street car park (removed in 2024)

  • McCrae Way Carpark (Level 2)

  • Pilkington Rd (Panmure)

  • Pompallier Terrace car park (removed in 2024)

  • Ronwood Ave Carpark (Level 1)

  • Symonds St (Symonds St Carpark)

  • Victoria St Car Park (Level 6)

Why Are the Chargers Being Removed?

While these chargers played a valuable role in the early days of EV adoption, their usage has declined over time. As part of a broader review, Auckland Transport are pausing their operation to explore better long-term solutions that align with the evolving needs of EV drivers.

Auckland Transport remains committed to reducing emissions and is reviewing the future of EV charging in its car parks, considering the wider availability of charging facilities across Auckland.

What Does This Mean for You?

Although these chargers will be removed, alternative EV charging facilities are available throughout the city. You can find nearby charging stations via the ChargeNet map or app

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us via:   

We appreciate your understanding as we continue to grow New Zealand’s EV charging network to meet increasing demand.

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